
Home / Design

Our design should reflect and reinforce the brand values.

The visual design should reflect the clarity and accessibility of the StepChange Debt Charity brand. It should be clean, simple, fresh and positive

Design is done on purpose: The designer makes a conscious decision for each element, being able to justify its look, position and function.

Create a consistent user experience: Continuity in element characteristics (shape, colour, size, etc) should be used to create a consistent user experience. The visual similarity across designs will build structure, and a sense of recognition in the user. 

Reduce the visual noise: Layouts should be constructed from simple, well defined objects with clear focal points and minimal levels of visual hierarchy. Reduce the visual noise on the page, and concentrate on the visual weight of the dominant elements.

Emphasise a single primary message: Where possible designs should contain a single primary message which is immediately apparent to the user. When asking a user to take action, that action should be clearly signposted. 

Space is a design element: Generous amounts of space will communicate the clarity and straightforwardness of the brand, and increase the visibility of key elements.

Accessibility through design: Inclusive design will enable content to be accessible to all users. Digital design should adhere to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), with a minimal level of A.