Visual identity

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First impressions count. The first experience a person has of the brand will often be a visual one. They might have seen an advert, picked up a leaflet or visited the website.

Our visual identity reflects our brand values: it is clean, simple, fresh and positive. Everything you need to consistently express yourself at StepChange is at your fingertips.

Our colour guide will explain what colours you should use in your communications, and easily downloadable colour codes.

We’ve also provided our logo guidelines and logo files, plus everything you need to know to use our fonts, photography and graphics.

Below are a few examples of what a good use of our visual identity looks like:

A note on joint publications

Because we collaborate with many partners across the debt advice industry and the wider charitable sector, there are occasions when we jointly release external communications with other organisations.

It's important to remember that if this is a communication that we are producing, our visual styling should still be used. 

However, there is some room for flexibility so that the outputs feel collaborative:

  • Retain use of our brand colour palette, fonts and layout styling, with plenty of white space
  • Do not use the StepChange logo throughout the document headers or footers, but do feature it on the front page at the same size and hierarchy as the partner logo
  • Avoid using the simple 'stick men' iconography from the policy reports, and our brand photography
  • Do use our graphics pack on the brand toolkit
  • Ensure that our contact details, as well as the partners are provided on the back page, along with our standard copyright and regulatory wording