
Home / Design / Colours

  • Primary orange

    Pantone 144 R240, G139, B30 CMYK 00 58 99 00
    Used on key brand elements as an introduction to the charity. Use sparingly as has poor contrast and can be difficult for those with low vision to read.
  • Primary purple

    Pantone 7663 R107, G51, B116 CMYK 67 92 17 04
    Core brand purple, used primarily for headings and dominant callout backgrounds.
  • Hot orange

    Pantone -173c R204, G76, B24 CMYK
    A secondary orange which should never overpower Primary Orange. Online this colour is reserved for primary navigation button backgrounds.
  • Cool orange

    Pantone 7549 R255, G182, B0 CMYK 01 33 100 00
    Trim colour to complement the core brand orange. Not a block or text colour.
  • British Training Green

    Pantone 3405 R0, G174, B113 CMYK 80 03 76 00
    Trim colour to signify that the design is internal communications or training.
  • White

    R255, G255, B255 CMYK 00 00 00 00
    Designs should feature a lot of space and usually this will be white. Can also be used as a text colour on dark backgrounds.
  • Charcoal grey

    Pantone Black 7 R51, G51, B51 CMYK 69 63 62 58
    The primary colour for text, not to be used as a background colour.
  • Mist grey

    Pantone 663 R238, G238, B238 CMYK 05 04 04 00
    A light grey background colour, not to be used for text.
  • Passion purple

    Pantone 2563 R193, G161, B215 CMYK 23 38 00 00
    A light purple used in graphic elements, not to be used for text.