Logo guidelines

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The StepChange Debt Charity brand centres around the logo. The logo consists of two elements, the ‘step’ and the ‘change’.  The linking of the two words represents important attributes of the brand; working together, relationships and guidance.

It should feature prominently once per page/document.

Exclusion zones

The logo has been designed with exclusion zones around the outside. These ensure maximum standout and clarity for the logo, and make sure nothing impedes into the space.


Dos and don'ts

line-tickx130x100       do-white637360398817249729     The logo should always sit on a white background.

line-crossx130x100       dont-colour     The logo should never sit on a coloured background

line-crossx130x100       dont-colour     The logo colours should never differ 

line-crossx130x100       dont-colour     The size and position of the logo elements should not be altered

line-crossx130x100       dont-colour    The logo should not be blurred, stretched or illegible.