What we believe

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We believe that everyone in debt, for whatever reason, should have easy access to free, fair, independent advice and solutions to help resolve their situation.

We believe that there are many misconceptions about why debt happens, and that these can create an unhelpful influence both on public policy and individual action. By undertaking research, analysis and campaigns to address these misconceptions, we believe we can and do influence change, both in attitudes and in practice.

We believe that the social stigma of debt should have no place in the 21st Century, and that public policy and the actions of all types of creditors should focus on helping people in debt to resolve their situation, rather than explicitly or implicitly punishing them for their difficult circumstances.

We believe that tackling problem debt can only be truly effective if it involves collaboration among all those whose actions and decisions contribute to the financial position of individuals. This includes central and local Government, regulators and creditors of all types.

We believe that, with the right approaches from public policy and creditors, problem debt is avoidable and that our vision of a society free from problem debt is achievable.

Our principles

We believe that…

  1. Problem debt – and the suffering caused by it – can be eliminated in society
  2. Clients must be at heart of everything we do
  3. We always put the clients’ best interests first – but recognise that any possible approach is ultimately their choice
  4. We have a repayment ethic, but what is right for the client should always be revenue agnostic. We would never put a client on a solution that is wrong for them in order to generate income for ourselves
  5. When we campaign to change policies and practice we are always credible, considered and evidence-led when doing so
  6. We’ll always speak out against policies and practices that cause harm to our clients, regardless of how we’re funded
  7. We achieve more by working collaboratively with partners
  8. We don’t judge and are focused on solutions
  9. Supporting, engaging and developing our colleagues is right in and of itself and is also the best way of making sure our clients get the best from us
  10. Our biggest asset is our colleagues

Our values

  • We're commited to our clients
  • We make change happen
  • We work together

Brand Essence: Transforming Futures


Transforming refers to the way we help people and the work we do. We don’t promise quick fixes or see the world through rose-tinted glasses. Instead, our services provide those in need with a process to create positive change. Some may be short, others long, but each transformation is a guided journey tailored to the individual.


Futures refers to our clients and their life. We are here for them, it’s our sole purpose. We know money problems occur everyday to anyone and we will never ever judge how or why they happen. Their future is what’s important to us, not the past, and we know that with some hard work and dedication, together we can get them to that light at the end of the tunnel.